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Über DriverApp

Version vom 23. Februar 2022, 15:16 Uhr von Weiske (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{App:First-steps/en}}“)
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First Steps

  • The Driver App is an interactive app with the main functions of order managment and communication between the driver and the contractor during the transport incl. tracking.
  • This app is free of charge and needs a registration with user name and password. It can only be used by subcontractors and drivers who are  assigned by the contractor.
  • The usage of the app needs special rights, can cause costs for data usage (depends on the  mobile phone contract) and is  designed for mobile devices with a permanent network access.
  • Please use our Online-Manual  for more information.

You can download the app with your smartphone here: Link.png Link.png

