Setting of an own password for the inTime DriverApp

Setting of an own password for the inTime DriverApp

To activate your account, your are in the following status:

✔DriverApp is installed
✔Account has been created (SMS)
✖Password has not been set yet
✖Account has not been activated yet

Next Steps

  • Choose your own pasword.
    Your password has to be at least 8 characters.
    Your password must not include your username.
    Remember your password and username.
  • Insert your password twice, confirm the privacy policy and klick on Login.
    If the insert password do not match, your account cannot be activated and you have to try it again. 
  • Your password is saved and your account is activated. 
    Your account is finally created. From now on you will receive all orders  only via the inTime DriverApp.

